Source Files
The source files for the current release are available for download from GitHub within a few days after the current release has been made public on this site. Source files for previous releases are also available there.
The source files for each release are in two zip archives. The archive with name ending in contains the XML-related files, while the archive with name ending in contains the HTML files and the files related to them. From Release 1.1 onward. there is at the same location a file (with a name such as FileList_1.1.html) listing the names of the files included in the two zip archives. The equivalent list for the current release is also given here, with explanation of the role of each file. contains the XML-related files:
- OrestesScholia1-1100.xml (or the same with a date extension added after 1100) is the large XML file of the Orestes arguments and scholia through line 1100.
- teiScholiaSchema2023.rng is the Relax NG schema file for the preceding.
- scholiaAll2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the complete set of scholia along with the arguments.
- scholiaExegOnly2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of all the scholia of subtype ‘exeg’ (that is, eliminating paraphrases, glosses, and any other subtypes).
- scholiaGlossOnly2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the glosses alone, without the exegetic and paraphrase scholia.
- scholiaMosch2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the Moschopulean scholia (with the few Planudean included).
- scholiaMoschThomTri2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the Moschopulean (and Planudean), Thoman, and Triclinian scholia.
- scholiaNoGloss2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the set excluding glosses of all types (also excluded are diagrams and word order annotations).
- scholiaRec2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the set excluding the old scholia (those of type ‘vet’).
- scholiaThom2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the Thoman scholia.
- scholiaTri2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the Triclinian scholia.
- scholiaVetOnly2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the old scholia.
- the following subsidiary files that are referenced in include statements within the previous files:
- linksAndActions2023.xsl
- match-bibl2023.xsl
- match-div4s2023.xsl
- match-segs2023.xsl
- triTreatises2023.xml is the XML file for the three short metrical treatises that precede the triad plays in Triclinius’ autograph copy T.
- triTreatisesModel2023.rng is the Relax NG schema file for the preceding.
- triTreatises.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the Triclinian treatises.
- manuscripts20230421.xml is the XML file for the manuscripts page.
- manuscripts2023.rng is the Relax NG schema file for the preceding.
- manuscripts2023.xsl is the file for XSLT processing to produce HTML of the manuscripts page. contains the HTML files and the files related to them:
- images:
- EurSchicon64x64.jpg (banner logo)
- by-nc-sa.png (Creative Commons license logo)
- favicon.ico (icon displayed with the tab name in some browsers)
- EurSchSite2023.css: the CSS file for the site as a whole
- the files of the information pages of the site:
- index.html (the home page)
- EurSch2023_Abbreviations.html
- EurSch2023_About.html
- EurSch2023_Bibliography.html (or a similar filename with a date appended)
- EurSch2023_Keywords.html
- EurSch2023_Manuscripts.html
- EurSch2023_Preface.html
- EurSch2023_RevisionHistory.html
- EurSch2023_SiglaTable.html
- EurSch2023_Source.html
- EurSch2023_Structure.html
- EurSiglaTable2020.xlsx (the table of EurSch2023_SiglaTable.html in spreadsheet format)
- the Folder named Edition, containing the following:
- OrestesScholia_all.html: the file for the complete set
- OrestesScholia_exeg.html: the file for the exegetic scholia only
- OrestesScholia_glosses.html: the file for glosses only
- OrestesScholia_mosch.html: the file for Moschopulean scholia (with the few Planudean)
- OrestesScholia_MTT.html: the file for Moschopulean, Thoman, and Triclinian together
- OrestesScholia_noGloss.html: the file for scholia without glosses
- OrestesScholia_rec.html: the file for all types other than old (‘vet’)
- OrestesScholia_thom.html: the file for Thoman scholia
- OrestesScholia_treat.html: the file for the three Triclinian metrical treatises
- OrestesScholia_tri.html: the file for Triclinian scholia
- OrestesScholia_vet.html: the file for old scholia only
- selectActions2023.js: the javascript that processes the selection options on the above pages
- the Cascading Style Sheet alternatives that are activated by the selection option for display:
- scholiaEur1111display.css: the default CSS for showing all details (active when Edition is first loaded)
- scholiaEur1110display.css: the alternative CSS for showing the Greek scholia text with translation and main apparatus
- scholiaEur1100display.css: the alternative CSS for showing the Greek scholia text with translation
- scholiaEur1010display.css: the alternative CSS for showing the Greek scholia text with main apparatus
- scholiaEur1000display.css: the alternative CSS for showing the Greek scholia text only
- scholiaEurFullPrint.css: the alternative CSS for showing all details in black font for uniform printing
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