Or. 1.01 (1-139) (tri metr) ἡμέτερον: ἡ εἴσθεσις τοῦ δράματος ἐκ μονοστροφικῆς ἐστι περιόδου. οἱ δὲ στίχοι εἰσὶν ἰαμβικοὶ τρίμετροι ἀκατάληκτοι ρλθʹ [= 139]. ὧν τελευταῖος ‘τόνδ’ ἐξεγεῖραι συμφορὰ γενήσεται’. ἐπὶ ταῖς ἀποθέσεσι παράγραφος, ἐπὶ δὲ τῷ τέλει κορωνίς. —T
APP. CRIT.: ρλθʹ Dind., ρληʹ [= 138] T
Or. 3.09 (tri metr) ⟨ἄραιτ’⟩: long mark over first α —T
Or. 5.12 (tri metr) ⟨πεφυκὼς ⟩: long mark over υ —T
Or. 11.14 (tri metr) ⟨ἔφυ⟩: long mark over υ —T
COLLATION NOTES: om. Ta (but omits all on this line); in T image unclear whether a long mark or trema with bleeding of ink: check original
Or. 12.17 (tri metr) ⟨ξήνασ’⟩: long mark over α —T
Or. 12.29 (tri metr) ⟨θεά⟩: long mark over α —T
Or. 13.10 (tri exeg) ⟨πόλεμον⟩: ἀσυνδέτως τοῦτο λέγει —T
COMMENT: Cf. sch. 13.07 above.
Or. 15.14 (tri gloss) ⟨ἀποκτείνας⟩: αὐτὰ —T
Or. 17.12 (tri metr) ⟨ἔφυ⟩: long mark over υ —T
Or. 20.02 (tri metr) ⟨μενέλεως⟩: συνίζησις —T
Or. 22.07 (tri metr) ⟨ἔφυμεν⟩: long mark over υ —T
Or. 140.01 (140-165a) (tri metr) ἡμέτερον: σῖγα: 0τὰ ἑξῆς ταῦτα εἴδη καλεῖται ἀλλοιόστροφα. εἰσὶ δὲ καὶ κατὰ σχέσιν. τῆς παρούσης οὖν στροφῆς τὰ κῶλα ιγʹ. καὶ τὰ τῆς ἀντιστροφῆς τοσαῦτα. ἐφεξῆς γὰρ κεῖται ἡνωμένη καὶ οὐκ ἐκ διαστήματος. 1τὸ αʹ ἀσυνάρτητον ἐκ τροχαϊκοῦ ἰθυφαλλικοῦ καὶ ἰαμβικῆς βάσεως ἐχούσης τὸν αʹ πόδα ἀνάπαιστον. 2τὸ βʹ ἴαμβος τρίμετρος ἀκατάληκτος. 3-4τὸ γʹ καὶ δʹ παιωνικὸν ἡμιόλιον ἐκ παίωνος δʹ καὶ ἰάμβου. 5τὸ εʹ ἀντισπαστικὸν μονόμετρον ὑπερκατάληκτον καθαρόν. 6τὸ ϛʹ ὅμοιον δίμετρον ὑπερκατάληκτον ἐξ ἐπιτρίτου αʹ καὶ παίωνος γʹ καὶ συλλαβῆς. ἐν δὲ τῷ τῆς ἀντιστροφῆς κώλῳ ἀντίσπαστον ἔχει καὶ ἰωνικὸν ἀπ’ ἐλάττονος. 7τὸ ζʹ ἰωνικὸν ἀπὸ μείζονος τρίμετρον καταληκτικὸν ἐξ ἰωνικοῦ διιάμβου καὶ μολοττοῦ ἢ κρητικοῦ. τὸ δέ γε τῆς ἀντιστροφῆς κῶλον πεντασύλλαβον ἔχει τὸν διίαμβον. 8τὸ ηʹ ἐπιωνικὸν ἀπὸ μείζονος τρίμετρον βραχυκατάληκτον ἐκ παίωνος δʹ καὶ ἰωνικοῦ καὶ δύο συλλαβῶν ἀδιαφόρων. 9τὸ θʹ ἰαμβικὸν ἑφθημιμερὲς καθαρόν. 10τὸ ιʹ ὅμοιον δίμετρον ἀκατάληκτον ἐκ χορείων. 11τὸ ιαʹ ὅμοιον δίμετρον ὑπερκατάληκτον ἐξ ὁμοίων ποδῶν. 12τὸ ιβʹ ὅμοιον δίμετρον βραχυκατάληκτον ἐξ ὁμοίων ποδῶν. 13τὸ ιγʹ ἰωνικὸν τρίμετρον καταληκτικὸν ἐκ παίωνος δʹ διιάμβου καὶ κρητικοῦ ἢ δακτύλου. ἐπὶ τῷ τέλει ἀμφοτέρων παράγραφος. —T |
1140=153 ‒⏑‒⏑‒⏑,⏑⏑‒⏑‒ |
TRANSLATION: These following metrical forms [sc. of the whole lyric 140-207] are called strophes of irregular arrangement, and they are in responsion. Now then, the present strophe has 13 cola, and those of the antistrophe are the same number. For they are positioned as one sequence in succession and not at a distance. The first colon is compound, formed from a trochaic ithyphallic and an iambic metron with first-foot anapaest. The second colon is an acatalectic iambic trimeter. The third and fourth cola are one-and-a-half measure paeonic lines consisting of fourth paeon and iamb. The fifth colon is a hypercatalectic antispastic monometer of pure form. The sixth is a hypercatalectic dimeter of the same [sc. antispastic] kind, composed of a first epitrite and a third paeon and a syllable. But in the corresponding colon of the antistrophe it contains an antispast and an ionic a minore [sc. and a syllable]. The seventh colon is a catalectic ionic a maiore trimeter composed of an ionic, a double iamb, and a molossos or a cretic. The corresponding colon of the antistrophe, however, has its double iamb with five syllables [sc. because of a resolved long]. The eighth colon is a brachycatalectic epionic a maiore trimeter composed of fourth paeon, ionic, and two indifferent syllables. The ninth colon is a pure iambic hepthemimer [i.e. one and three-quarters iambic metra]. The tenth is an acatalectic dimeter of the same [sc. iambic] type made of chorei. The eleventh is a hypercatalectic dimeter of the same [sc. iambic] type made of the same feet [sc. chorei]. The twelfth is a brachycatalectic dimeter of the same [sc. iambic] type made of the same feet [sc. chorei]. The thirteenth is a catalectic ionic trimeter composed of fourth paeon, double iamb, and a cretic or dactyl. At the end of both [strophe and antistrophe], a paragraphos.
APP. CRIT.: 8 ἐπι ἰωνικὸν T, ἰωνικὸν Ta
COMMENT: Triclinius uses the term ἐπιωνικός to refer to a colon in which an ionic measure is preceded by some form of iambic, whereas when an initial ionic is followed by an iambic measure he uses the term ἰωνικός. For the former, see sch. Soph. Aj. 1199, El. 824 Tessier (first colon in both instances).
COLLATION NOTES: ἡμέτερον not visible on image, check original; τρικλινίου: σῖγα σῖγα Ta |
Or. 140.02 (140-165b) (tri metr) στροφὴ κώλων ιγʹ —T
Or. 166.01 (166-173a) (tri metr) ἡμέτερον: ὁρᾷς: 0σύστημα κατὰ περικοπὴν ἀνομοιομερὲς μὲν πρὸς τὰς στροφάς, ὁμοιομερὲς δὲ τῷ μετὰ τὴν ἑξῆς κειμένην στροφὴν συστήματι, οὗ ἡ ἀρχὴ ‘θρόει τίς κακῶν’. ἔστι δὲ κώλων ηʹ. 1τὸ αʹ ἀντισπαστικὸν τρίμετρον βραχυκατάληκτον ἐξ ἀντισπάστου ἐπιτρίτου βʹ καὶ ἰάμβου. 2τὸ βʹ ἰαμβικὸν ἑφθηιμερές. 3τὸ γʹ ἀντισπαστικὸν δίμετρον καταληκτικὸν Φερεκράτειον ἐξ ἀντισπάστου καὶ κρητικοῦ. ἐνταῦθα δὲ τὸν κρητικὸν ἔχει τετρασύλλαβον. 4τὸ δʹ ἰαμβικὸν ὅμοιον τῷ βʹ. 5τὸ εʹ τροχαϊκὸν δίμετρον ἀκατάληκτον. 6τὸ ϛʹ ὅμοιον ἐκ χορείων τῶν αʹ ποδῶν. 7τὸ ζʹ παιωνικὸν δίμετρον ἀκατάληκτον ἐκ παίωνος δʹ καὶ κρητικοῦ. 8τὸ ηʹ τροχαϊκὸν ἰθυφαλλικόν. εἰ δὲ βούλει, ἀντισπαστικὸν ἡμιόλιον. ἐπὶ τῷ τέλει παράγραφος. —T |
1166=187 ⏑‒‒⏑,‒⏑‒‒,⏑‒ |
TRANSLATION: A metrical system divided into sections, consisting of unlike parts with respect to the strophes [sc. the preceding and following strophes, 140-165 and 174-186=195-207], but with the same parts as the system after the strophe that follows, the opening of which is ‘Speak what of evils’ [sc. 187-194]. It is of eight cola. The first is a brachycatalectic antispastic trimeter composed of an antispast, second epitrite, and iamb. The second is an iambix hepthemimeres. The third is a Pherecratean catalectic antispastic dimeter composed of an antispast and a cretic. Here [sc. as opposed to in the corresponding stanza] it has its cretic of four syllables [sc. from resolution of a long]. The fourth is an iambic similar to the second [sc. hepthemimeres]. The fifth is an acatalectic trochaic dimeter. The sixth is similar [sc. a trochaic dimeter] with the first feet consisting of chorei. The seventh is an acatalectic paeonic dimeter composed of a fourth paeon and a cretic. The eighth is a trochaic ithyphallic; or if you prefer, a one-and-a-half-measure antispast. At the end, a paragraphos.
Or. 166.02 (166-173b) (tri metr) σύστημα κώλων ηʹ —T
Or. 174.01 (174-186a) (tri metr) ἡμέτερον: πότνια πότνια: 0ἡ βʹ αὕτη στροφὴ κώλων ἐστὶ ιγʹ. 1τὸ αʹ τροχαϊκὸν πενθημιμερὲς ἐκ δύο χορείων. εἰ δὲ βούλει, ἰαμβικόν. 2-3τὸ βʹ καὶ γʹ παιωνικὰ ἡμιόλια ἐκ παίωνων δʹ καὶ ἰάμβων. 4τὸ δʹ ἰαμβικὸν δίμετρον βραχυκατάληκτον ἐκ χορείων. εἰ δὲ βούλει, ὅμοιον τῷ αʹ καὶ τῆς ἐκεῖ μακρᾶς διαλελυμένης ἐν τούτῳ. 5τὸ εʹ ὅμοιον τῷ βʹ. 6τὸ ϛʹ παιωνικὸν τρίμετρον βραχυκατάληκτον ἐκ παιώνων πρώτων βʹ, τοῦ πρώτου πενταβράχεος, καὶ δύο συλλαβῶν ἀδιαφόρων. 7-8τὸ ζʹ καὶ τὸ ηʹ ὅμοια τῷ βʹ. 9τὸ θʹ παιωνικὸν δίμετρον ἀκατάληκτον ἐκ παίωνος βʹ καὶ πρώτου. 10τὸ ιʹ ἀναπαιστικὸν δίμετρον βραχυκατάληκτον ἐκ βʹ ἀναπαίστων καὶ ἰάμβου. εἰ δὲ βούλει, ἰωνικὸν δίμετρον ἀκατάληκτον ἐκ παίωνος γʹ καὶ διιάμβου. 11τὸ ιαʹ δακτυλικὸν ἑφθημιμερὲς. 12τὸ ιβʹ τροχαϊκὸν ἢ ἰαμβικὸν ἑφθημιμερὲς ἐκ τριῶν χορείων καὶ συλλαβῆς. 13τὸ ιγʹ ἰωνικὸν ἀπὸ μείζονος τρίμετρον ἀκατάληκτον ἐκ παίωνος αʹ ἀντὶ ἰωνικοῦ, διτροχαίου καὶ ἐπιτρίτου γʹ διὰ τὴν ἀδιάφορον, ἢ ἰωνικοῦ. ἐπὶ τῷ τέλει παράγραφος καὶ διπλαῖ ἔσω καὶ ἔξω νενευκυῖαι, ἡ μὲν ἐν ἀρχῇ τοῦ κώλου, ἡ δὲ κατὰ τὸ τέλος, δηλοῦσαι ἔχειν ἀνταπόδοσιν. —T |
1174=195 ⏑͡⏑⏑⏑͡⏑⏑,‒ / ⏑⏑͡⏑⏑⏑͡⏑,‒ |
TRANSLATION: This second strophe consists of 13 cola. The first is a trochaic penthemimer consisting of two chorei; of if you prefer, iambic. The second and third cola are paeonic of one and half measures, consisting of fourth paeon and iamb. The fourth colon is a brachycatalectic iambic dimeter consisting of chorei; or if you prefer, like the first colon, with the long syllable found there resolved in this one. The fifth is similar to the second. The sixth is a brachycatalectic paeonic dimeter composed of two first paeons (the first being of five syllables) and two indifferent syllables. The seventh and eighth are like the second. The ninth is an acatalectic paeonic dimeter composed of a second paeon and a first paeon. The tenth is a brachycatalectic antispastic dimeter consisting of two anapaests and an iamb; or if you prefer, an acatalectic ionic dimeter composed of a third paeon and a double iamb. The eleventh is a dactylic hephthemimeres [sc. three and a half dactyls]. The twelfth is a trochaic or iambic hepthemimeres composed of three chorei and a syllable. The thirteenth is an acatalectic ionic a maiore trimeter composed of a first paeon in place of an ionic, a double trochee, and third epitrite because of the [final] indifferent [syllable], or an ionic. At the end, a paragraphos and diple-marks pointing inwards and outwards, one at the beginning of the colon, the other at the end, the marks indicating that the strophe has corresponsion.
Or. 174.02 (174-186b) (tri metr) στροφὴ ἑτέρα κώλων ιγʹ —T
Or. 186.10 (tri metr) diple-mark pointing outwards at beginning of colon, paragraphos and diple-mark pointing inwards at end of colon T —T
Or. 401.06 (tri metr) ⟨ἡμέρα ⟩: long mark over α —Τ
Or. 410.10 (tri metr) ἡμέτερον· ⟨ἀπαίδευτον⟩: ἀπαίδευτός ἐστιν ὁ ἐνταῦθα γράφων ἀπαίδευτα καὶ τῶν μέτρων παντάπασιν ἀμαθής. σὺ δ’ εἰ βούλει μὴ ἀπαίδευτος εἶναι, ἀπαίδευτον ἑνικῶς γράφε. οὕτω γὰρ ἔχει πρὸς τὸ μέτρον ὀρθῶς. —T
COLLATION NOTES: from -πασιν on scarcely readable in image (clear in Ta), check original |
Or. 410.15 (tri metr) ⟨ἀποτρέπου⟩: koine longa sign over ποτ —T
Or. 414.09 (tri metr) ⟨ἀναφορὰ⟩: long mark over final α —Τ
Or. 419.05 (tri metr) ⟨ἀμύνει⟩: long mark over υ —T
Or. 422.07 (tri metr) ⟨πυρὰ⟩: long mark over α —T
Or. 424.16 (tri exeg) ⟨ἔφυς⟩: γρ. εἰπὼν —T
Or. 424.17 (tri metr) ⟨ἔφυς⟩: long mark over υ —T
Or. 425.11 (tri metr) ⟨τιμωρία⟩: long marks over first ι and α —T