April 15, 2010: EuripidesScholia.org web site made publicly accessible, covering Orestes 1-25, 401-425, 1693, and Triclinian metrical notes on Orestes 140-207, with choice of 13 available views.
April 15, 2010: main xml and some html files altered to correct sch. numbers 5.7, 5.8, 5.9 to 5.07, 5.08, 5.09.
April 16, 2010: corrected typographic error ‘unusal’ in translation of sch. 1.03 in source xml and in relevant html files.
April 16, 2010: changed CSS files so that Cardo is added to list of Greek fonts in relevant styles and Palatino Linotype takes precedence over Times and Times New Roman for those who have Palatino Linotype.
April 19, 2010: corrected some typographical errors (almost all involving punctuation) in the source xml and in relevant html files. Added Triclinian Prefatory Texts html document to site.
April 21, 2010: bibliographic additions made to notes on the Triclinian Prefatory Texts.
April 25, 2010: corrected one typographical error in Arg. 4 in the source xml and in relevant html files.
April 26, 2010: added a view with scholia only with the page enabled for Alpheios.
May 3, 2010: explanation of scholia layout added to Conventions & Abbreviations page (and the terms in the name of the page have been reversed here and in links on other pages).
May 6, 2010: Ref. Symbol notation added to sch. 15.07; format of colon after POSITION label made consistent with other labels.
May 21, 2010: readings of Corpus Christi College 403 added to arg. 3 and to sch. 1693.
May 25, 2010: readings of M in sch. 7.01 and sch. 10.09 clarified by inspection of Spranger facsimile.